10 Amazing Things to Do in Brasov (+ Day Trips)
Here are the best things to do in Brasov, from visiting historic churches and castles to getting close to brown bears.
Here are the best things to do in Brasov, from visiting historic churches and castles to getting close to brown bears.
Getting close to a bear might sound like a death wish, but not in Romania; the country with the largest brown bear population in Europe.
Here’s what you need to know if you’re planning to go hiking in Transylvania, including recommended hiking trails and accommodation.
“Turisti.” The word floated in the air. It was whispered in wonder as we walked past the cheese mongers, and later it was called out
If you want to go hiking in Romania, check out this amazing hike through the rural village of Magura in the Carpathian Mountains.
On this virtual Bran Castle tour, we debunk the Dracula myth and explore the real story of Romania’s most famous castle (with photos).
I dug my left foot in the thick snow, sweat dripping down my back. Slowly, I brought my other leg forward. I heard a twig